Pinot Blanc Alsace white wine bottle

Similar to Nemean wine, there’s something about Alsatian wines that just makes me want to put the rest of the world on hold. So, when I stumbled across this Pinot Blanc at Gene’s Sausage Shop, I knew it was time to clear my calendar.

According to their website, Chateau d’Orschwihr dates back to 1049 and is known to have been producing wine since the seventeenth century. The vineyard has been family owned since the 1950’s and have made a strong effort to produce wine sustainably, they touch on everything from fertilizer use to additives and even their recycling program.

Bollenberg, referenced on the label, is a hill that sits between the communes of Orschwihr, Rouffach, and Westhalten. It is home to a small church that dates back to the 6th century. It also, according to some sources I found, held significance for local Celts in the pre-Roman era. Some myths claim is was once a meeting place for witches, in fact, the church is sometimes referred to as the Chapel of Witches. Every August locals gather for a festival to burn an effigy of a witch.

Cat Wine Bottle Alsace France Pinot Blanc Chateau d'Orschwihr

As for the wine, this may be the first time I wasn’t absolutely blown away by a wine from Alsace. There was nothing technically off about it, I just wasn’t enjoying it as much usually do. It seemed to have this harsh grapefruit finish that I couldn’t get passed. I finished one glass and put it back in the fridge disappointed. The next night I tried it again and it seemed much more enjoyable. I don’t know if it needed time to mellow or if my palate was just off on the first day, in either case I developed a much more favorable opinion after the second tasting. If I find another bottle I may pick it up, just to see if I have a similar experience.

Despite my initial negative reaction, I had a lot of fun with this bottle. After taking it home and setting up the camera to get some pics, my cat decided I wasn’t paying enough attention to him and jumped up on the table. No matter how many times I put him back on the floor, he kept jumping back up there. I eventually gave up and used it as an excuse to get some pics of him with the wine bottle. He never sits still long enough for me to get a good photo.